
Refresh Taxonomy On Each Upload

When this setting is set to yes (1), Email Manager for Outlook refreshes the taxonomy attached to a managed metadata field in a library every time an item is uploaded to it.

When this setting is set to no (0), the taxonomy is read once on the first upload to the library, and then stored for the duration of the Outlook session. The taxonomy is not refreshed again until Outlook is restarted.

This is useful for improving the performance loading the Edit Properties dialog. It is a viable option if taxonomies are changed infrequently.

Refresh Taxonomy On Each Upload

Applies to:

7.x Email Manager for Outlook

6.x Contributor Pro, Email Manager for Outlook
Registry Root Key Priority HKEY_CURRENT_USER
Registry Key Location ...\Contributor\EmailManager\
String Value Name RefreshTaxonomyCacheOnEachUpload
Possible Value Data 0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Default Value 1


For details on applying a configuration setting, please refer to the article How to apply a Configuration Setting.

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